Mar 14, 2021

How to protect your immune system?

How to protect your immune system?

The immune system acts as a defence army to protect our body from viral and bacterial attacks. This army deploys its soldiers who each have a function and who do not hesitate to help each other. We find the macrophages responsible for fighting bacteria. If the fight is too difficult, they call on T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes, white blood cells. B lymphocytes produce antibodies and they are able to memorize their attackers to better defeat them if there is a recurrence. However, our immune system can sometimes weaken, so it is necessary to protect and strengthen it. How to protect your immune system?

Consuming lactic ferments strengthens the immune system

70% of immune cells are in the gut. 

Taking care of your digestive system strengthens your immune system. This involves the consumption of lactic ferments which are good bacteria, very present in dairy products. Lactic ferments ferment milk to make yoghurt (yoghurt) or cottage cheese, hence the solid appearance of these products. Among all these good bacteria, there are certain species that help strengthen our immune system and our natural defences: this is the case of Lactobacillus Casei Defences. These good bacteria will stimulate the natural immune cells in the gut.

To ensure that good bacteria pass through the meshes of our digestive system (stomach acids, enzymes in the small intestine) and to act effectively (like food, these good bacteria are eliminated by the body), It is necessary to eat regularly several billion. This number may seem unlikely, but be aware that some dairy products contain this high concentration of good bacteria per unit.

Sleep is good for the immune system

Rest is not trivial. 

Sleep is necessary for the proper functioning of our body and its metabolism (= all the chemical reactions of the body). According to some studies, a lack of sleep disrupts the regulation of hormones, which can affect weight gain. A lack of sleep leads to an increase in the level of appetite hormones (= ghrelin) and a decrease in the level of hormones that promote satiety (= leptin).

On average, a child sleeps 10 hours a night while an adult will need about 7:30 a.m. of rest. This is an average, for some people the amount of sleep time will be longer or shorter. According to Inserm, 'Rest enables the body to perform functions necessary for development and health.' 1 During sleep, the brain is active. The different stages of sleep allow the body to refuel and store the information received during the day. The memory is as if restored. The time and quality of sleep are very important. During this time, the brain secretes hormones that help the immune system fight off bacterial and viral infections.

To improve the quality of your sleep and strengthen your immune system, here are some tips:

Do not engage in physical activity too late.

Avoid exciting drinks like coffee.

Before going to bed, do not hesitate to relax with a good hot bath or breathing exercises.

Computer and television screens can keep you awake and affect the quality of sleep.

Engaging in physical activity activates the immune system

The practice of physical activity, regularly and without excess, stimulates the immune system. 

It would help keep fit and health. Stress and fatigue weaken the immune system which becomes more vulnerable to pathogenic attacks (= which can create an infectious disease). Playing sports has a positive effect on physical and mental well-being. It helps strengthen the immune system.

According to several scientific studies1, it has been proven that the practice of an intensive sport activity weakens the immune system. Nieman2, a renowned researcher, refers to the inverted U: when exertion is intense, the production of cells, such as lymphocytes, increases very quickly and then decreases or even disappears after exertion. After their training, high-performance athletes are exposed to the risk of respiratory infections without being subject to them.

With age, the immune system ages, evidently through weakened immune responses to infections, especially respiratory infections. Physical activity would prevent this ageing.

Certain herbal remedies stimulate the immune system

There are various causes for the increase in the consumption of medicinal plants. 

This choice may be linked to certain beliefs, reluctance towards the pharmaceutical industry or in reaction to the perceived ineffectiveness of certain drugs. In a world that is modernizing and industrializing day by day, many people choose to go back to their roots through natural remedies. Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea) is a medicinal plant that has proven in some cases its virtues. It is in the 19th century that it is the most used in North America because it has the particularity of stimulating the body's immune system, in particular by activating the powers of macrophages. It is often used for the prevention of ENT infections (= otorhinolaryngology). If the immune system is over-stimulated, the consequences can be harmful. So this plant should not be the subject of continuous treatment, it is important to go through 'therapeutic windows' (= it is a question of interrupting the treatment at regular intervals).

Echinacea does not have the same effect depending on the person and the nature of the infection. There are side effects and contraindications. If you have asthma or allergies, you may develop an allergy to echinacea. It is important to visit your doctor before committing to treatment.

Protecting yourself from the cold protects the immune system

A virus is a tiny parasite that lives only by infecting a cell. 

When the virus enters a cell, it is able to multiply at an exponential rate. A virus is more resistant in winter than in summer, which increases the rate of respiratory infections such as the flu and the common cold. When it is cold, our immune system is more strained to respond to foreign attacks, so it weakens. In Canada and GB, the average winter temperature very often drops below 0 °. In very cold weather, the body loses more energy than it produces. It is important to protect your head, this is the area of ​​the body where there is the most heat loss. Hands and feet exposed to the cold are sources of frostbite. In the evening, the temperatures are even lower, it is better to remember to take precautions, especially for babies and the elderly. Choose warm clothes, without going to the extreme.

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