Feb 16, 2024

Always want to urinate: 9 reasons that explain why

 Frequent passages to the bathroom could be all that is more normal... But also indicate something serious. Here's how to know it.

Always want to urinate 9 reasons that explain why

Does your bladder make its own?

If you rush to the bathroom twice per hour, or you wake up several times a night to urinate, it's frustrating. Needing to urinate all the time is a real handicap. Sometimes the urgency to urinate is due to an illness that should not be taken lightly. Also, if you worry, talk to your doctor to eliminate possible pathologies. If you are worried, tell your doctor. Let's examine the reasons that may explain the frequency of your urination.

You have a urinary tract infection

If you need to go to the toilet all the time and it suddenly happens, you may have a urinary tract infection, explains Dr. Partha Nandi, gastroenterologist and doctor in Detroit Michigan, and author of Ask Dr. Nandi. "Frequent urination can be the symptom of many problems ranging from kidney disease to just overlooking too many liquids. But when this frequent urination is accompanied by fever, an urgent need to urinate, and pain in the abdomen, it can be a urinary tract infection. " There is a urinary tract infection when bacteria enter the bladder. This infection is treated with drugs.

You are diabetic

Frequent urination accompanied by abundant urine is often an early symptom of type 1 or type 2 diabetes. The body tries to get rid of glucose not used by urine. "Excess sugar accumulates in the blood and kidneys are forced to filter it and absorb it. If they do not succeed, they excrete it in the urine, explains Dr. Nandi. They take fluids from other tissues, urination increases, and your body can be dehydrated. " Dehydration leads to serious medical problems and sometimes hospitalization.

As diabetes is accompanied by excessive thirst, you dehydrate by urinating too much and too often, explains Dr. Nandi. The advice to properly manage the contribution of liquid is to "drink enough to prevent constipation and overcoat of urine, but to avoid drinking just before bedtime, so as not to get up at night."

You have prostate problems

"A hypertrophied prostate (large) can squeeze against the urethra, this tube which transports urine out of the body, and blocking the expulsion of urine. The bladder mucosa then becomes irritable, ”explains Dr. Nandi. The bladder can start to contract even when it contains small amounts of urine, which can cause more frequent urination.

Even with benign prostate hyperplasia, men need to urinate more frequently, especially at night. This is called nycturia: elimination of urine at night, sometimes eight times or more, he explains. And then, with a large prostate, there is more pressure on the urethra and the bladder, with the inability to hold back, but also the difficulty of urinating easily.

You take diuretics

Diuretics increase excretion (elimination of organic waste): they will often send you to the toilet. But we can sometimes urinate too much when we are prescribed diuretics regularly.

"These drugs used to treat hypertension or the accumulation of fluids have an effect on the kidneys and evacuate excess liquids, which leads to the frequent need to urinate," said Dr. Nandi. Also, explain to your doctor your concerns and describe your symptoms.

To reduce symptoms, just eat the minimum of food and diuretic drinks. Above all, "avoid all the foods that seem to irritate your bladder or have a diuretic effect: caffeine, alcohol, carbonated drinks, tomato products, chocolate, artificial sweeteners, spicy food. Eat foods rich in fiber, because constipation can worsen the symptoms of a hyperactive bladder, "said Dr. Nandi.

You are pregnant

At the start of pregnancy, hormonal changes can increase the frequency of your urination. We generally urine more during the first trimester. "Later during pregnancy, your growing uterus puts pressure on your bladder. But these causes of frequent urination are very common and they are harmful to the mother or for the baby, "says Dr. Nita Landry, obstetrician-gynecologist in Los Angeles and co-host of the American program The Doctors.

“Kegel exercises are useful. Pregnant women should not take too much caffeine; It will relieve the frequency of their urination and notify other problems that a pregnancy can cause, "she adds. Small digression: Kegel exercises are also good for men. Talk to your spouse and do them together.

"The American Obstetrics and Gynecology College (ACOG) recommends that pregnant women limit caffeine to 200 mg per day, which represents 325 ml (11 OZ) of coffee per day," she said. Health Canada makes a similar recommendation.

You have hyperactive bladder syndrome

It's pretty common. People who suffer from it have involuntary contractions of the bladder which leads them to urinate often and to have spontaneous urination. That is to say, you feel the urgent need to urinate while your bladder is empty.

It’s unpleasant and frustrating, comments Dr. Nandi, because it wakes you up at least once a night to go to the bathroom. But we can deal with the problem. Try to hold back, he advises. "For 12 weeks, increase the interval between your passages to the bathroom. This will help your bladder to hold back and lead you to urinate less often. ”

Some people are treated with Botox. Dr. Nandi explains what happens. "Botox injection into the bladder muscle leads it to relax, increases its capacity, and decreases leaks. There are also various surgical interventions. The least invasive is to implant small nervous stimulators just under the skin. The stimulated nerves control the pelvic floor and these implants modify the contractions in the organs and the muscles around. "

You suffer from interstitial cystitis

Among the symptoms of interstitial cystitis (CI) or painful bladder syndrome, there is "pelvic pain relieved by urination, a persistent need to urinate, and frequent urination," said DRE Nita.

Dr. Nandi adds this. “Most people will urinate about seven times a day. Those who make CI can urinate between 35 and 40 times a day; Often, they will only emit a few drops of urine and the urgency of relieving themselves may not disappear afterwards. This symptom occurs throughout the day and also at night, which disturbs the sleep cycle. And then, the person can feel pain, which intensifies as the bladder fills up. "

Unfortunately, the exact cause of interstitial cystitis is not known, but many factors probably play a role. "A failure of the bladder mucosa, for example: a breach in the epithelium lets pass toxic substances in the urine, which will irritate the mucous membrane of the bladder. There may also be a genetic cause or an infectious etiology, ”explains Dr. Landry.

She warns that not all patients respond to treatment. But here is what your doctor could recommend: oral medication, nervous stimulation techniques, expansion of the bladder with water (hydrodisting), drug instillations directly in the bladder, surgery, or acupuncture that can relieve.

You make anxiety

Butterflies in your stomach sometimes lead to a leak or make you run into the bathroom. "Nervousness and anxiety can increase the frequency of urination," said Dr. Landry. Your bladder continues to swell until it is full. It then sends a signal to the brain that it is time to empty it. Usually, we can delete the sensation and wait until a timely time. But when people are anxious, the bladder becomes more active. ”

You can solve this problem by taking measures to manage your anxiety. Consider reducing your stress, meditation, relaxation techniques, yoga, or physiotherapy of the pelvic floor.

You had a stroke

A stroke can damage the nerves of the bladder and increase urination. As the muscles asked to urinate can be affected, which will have an effect on the control of the bladder, it may be necessary to install a probe to limit the frequent urge to urinate, concludes Dr. Nandi. Brain vascular accidents can also affect cognition, which can also cause excessive urination as well as incontinence.

The probe is not the solution to all problems because it can cause urinary tract infections. If the muscles do not heal, these infections become chronic and have pernicious effects on the quality of life, he warns. Discuss with your doctor the options best suited to your situation.

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