Feb 2, 2024

What makes my skin dull?

 A dull or blurred complexion constitutes a common reason for consultation on morphological and anti-aging medicine: age, lifestyle, or tobacco are all factors that make our face-off, the complexion tired and soulless. For many, the problem exceeds the simple aesthetic appearance of dull skin or a gray complexion. Morphological and anti-aging medicine offers different solutions to restore all its radiance to a face, making it radiant, bright, and rejuvenated.

What makes my skin dull

What is a dull complexion?

Dull skin is characterized by a gray complexion, which no longer returns light.

Three mechanisms contribute to this light modification:

  • A loss of hydration, which makes the skin mechanically closer to the underlying bone structures or the bluish structures of the vessels;
  • An irregularity of structure, which makes light no longer reflected in a homogeneous manner;
  • A pigmentation that dissenters the complexion, whether in depth (melanin of photoading) or superficial (dirt or toxins encrusted on the superficial layers of the epidermis).

All these factors help give a dull and tired complexion, reflecting an apparent state of weariness, illness, and lack of dynamism, when this is not necessarily true.

What makes my skin dull?

Many causes can cause dull and gray complexion, often associated.

  • Intrinsic factors: the causes of a dull complexion

Anything that will harm a good skin metabolism can induce dull skin: stress, fatigue, menopause, imperfect diet, lifestyle, vascular disorders with venous stasis, edema ...

The skin is also a reflection of our "interior".

Different skin imperfections can promote or aggravate a dull complexion: oily skin with black dots and irregularities of the skin texture; discreet redness which modifies the bright reflection; Skin aging with photo vices and loss of volume; poor skin hydration which decreases good tissue oxygenation ...

  • Extrinsic factor: the cause of a dull complexion

Pollution leads to an accumulation of fine particles which are attached to the superficial layers of the epidermis. But also tobacco, alcohol, lifestyle, sedentary lifestyle ...

How to improve the radiance and hydration of your skin?

As the causes of the dull complexion are multiple, the doctor will first try to understand the reasons, while detecting the micro-imperfections of your face which can be at the origin.

This is always a good diagnosis that must decide on the right treatment: peeling, radiofrequency, hifu, mesolift, micro-dermabrasion, perfect skin ... There are protocols that can also associate several techniques to treat all causes.

These treatments can focus on the complexion of the face, neck, neckline, and hands, namely the areas most exposed to the sun and external aggressions.

Wanting to treat a dull and gray complexion without having clearly identified the mechanism responsible for it is doomed to failure. Small focus on two integrated techniques, for example, in the Perkect’skin protocol: dermabrasion and dermal infusion.

What is dermabrasion?

It is a form of mechanical and chemical superficial peel, allowing the exfoliation of the superficial epidermal layers loaded with impurities and dead cells.

Perfect skin uses, for example, an efficient scrub with salicylic acid with the help of a small diamond strawberry. It eliminates a good part of the dead cells that clutter our skin (especially the surface of the epidermis) and which we lose weakly every day.

It is a question of making the skin more radiant, and more flexible and of softening its grain by making it more homogeneous.

On the other hand, the sebum will flow better and limit the acne of retention (blackheads and microchysts, with less inflammation and redness).

What is dermal infusion?

Close to mesotherapy, dermal infusion aims to bring a set of active ingredients directly to their place of action the dermis. A dermal infusion makes it possible to hydrate the skin, gradually treat pigment spots with kojic acid, and prevent oxidative phenomena with antioxidants.

The attack protocol requires some close sessions, then a session every month or every two months in an interview.

The spectacular result of Perfectskin on the dull and blurred complexion made us completely abandon the superficial peels. You can summarize its action as that of a superficial peel and mesotherapy. The suites are almost zero. You can immediately resume your personal or professional activities!

This technique can also be combined with other treatments such as injections for example, or before making HIFU (focused ultrasound). Having good skin hydration optimizes the results.

Dermatological cleaning of the skin combines the perfect skin with the destage of microsite and black dots and the effects of the LED lamp.

Perfectskin will therefore give back all its radiance to your face, making it bright and radiant. This treatment will allow a

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