If we have long associated morphological and anti-aging medicine with feminine beauty, that era is over. More and more men are taking care of their bodies and faces, with an increased demand for beauty and anti-aging solutions. It is a real social phenomenon, as evidenced by the development of a specialized men's press, specific businesses such as barber shops, or cosmetic ranges taking into account the characteristics of men's skin.
As the criteria of beauty are a little less asserted in men, the solutions proposed by morphological and anti-aging medicine must be more varied and even more adapted.
What is male beauty?
It has long been believed that beauty is something subjective when it is not. Scientists have proven that there are universal criteria, which will then adjust themselves according to eras, cultures, and societies.
Beauty is linked to seduction because it corresponds to a major function for any animal species, reproduction.
For many species whose human species, the male sex does not constitute the limiting factor in the reproduction of the species: man has no real andropause, nor cycle, ensuring a much longer fertile role in time than women. This is why nature and evolution attributed to male beauty a lower role than to female beauty.
Very early on, male beauty has been associated with virility (and therefore fertility), explaining the importance of secondary sexual characteristics, such as hair or muscle. The canons of beauty of antiquity added the notion of balance and youth to it, consecrating the importance of the ephebe, theorized harmony of centuries later Leonardo da Vinci and his famous man of Vitruvian.
This search for harmony in male beauty is no coincidence, it is also "in the service" of the reproductive function. Indeed, the birth of malformed children was always a failure to perpetuate the species, the study of these congenital dysharmonies even giving rise to the development of a separate science, teratology. Unconsciously, the man said to himself that harmony was a security factor.
In recent years, male canons have been able to evolve with society. While the role of women was gaining importance, rebalancing authorized certain men to express a share of sensitivity. The metrosexual movement of the 1980s, which launched permanent hair removal, was a way to get out of the virile setting as the only expression of the beauty of man.
Today, man also claims the right to please, seduce, stay young, and modify the imperfections that alter his physique.
The medical aesthetics offer him simple and adapted responses to practically every situation.
Beauty criteria in humans
They are similar in principle to those of women, which is quite logical since the purpose is identical: the reproduction of the species.
A young man
It is probably a stronger "requirement" than in women, for a simple biological reason: Andropause is later and less marked than female menopause, making Darwinian evolution the importance of age in humans.
Gray temples even have their power of seduction!
However, the youth of the traits remains associated with an idea of strength, dynamism, and vitality by nature reassuring. It’s true in a couple, but it’s the same way in a professional setting.
A manly man
In humans, virility is nothing other than the expression of secondary sexual characteristics (voice, hair, muscles, square lines ...) which are supposed to be the reflection of its primary sexual characteristics.
There is also a subtle balance since over the years have developed notions of finesse and refinement.
Some men have even noticed that deleting certain attributes made it possible to highlight others: practicing permanent hair removal of the torso thus makes it possible to enhance a well-drawn thorax, even if it means completing with an injection of hyaluronic body acid to Draw sharper pectorals, and complete with cryolipolysis to find a flat stomach without surgery, or a fat -free chest (Adipomastia).
A harmonious man
Harmony carries as much on the face as on the silhouette, with a balance in the different parts. This supposes in particular drawn muscle masses, and discreet fat beads, even ideally absent.
A "healthy" man
Beauty must reflect an image of good health and vitality.
In humans, two factors are more particularly noted, namely the complexion of the face and hair. Androgenic alopecia may be physiological, it is unconsciously associated with a loss of vitality or, sometimes, with diseases such as excavation. This capillary in-between is also antagonistic with the need for clarity often associated with beauty: this is why some men finally decide to display this alopecia clearly by shaving their skull, which brings them an assertive and more juvenile character, Completely compatible with male beauty.
How to perfect male beauty?
Modern man has different means of morphological and anti-aging medicine to perfect his beauty, appear younger, correct his imperfections.
Whether these aesthetic care are preventive or curative, they always respond to an approach of seduction and well-being. We must not reduce this seduction to the simple emotional life, it is just as right to "seduce" a boss, work colleagues, customers ... especially at 50 in a society where youth is sometimes very present!
Because beauty is above all a social bond facilitator (and more of affinities!).
Male face beauty
Finding youth helps as much in emotional and professional life, to respond both to aesthetic and psychological concerns, to have for example less hard or less tired.
Morphologists and facial anti-aging medicine provide answers for lifting without operation, for a photo-reading of the skin, for skin regeneration, growing hair…
To find a brilliant complexion, the modern man will hydrate his skin, remove old age spots, treat redness by vascular laser, make definitive hair removal of his beard and his neck, remove the stigma of the skin (scars from Acne, oily skin, black dots, etc.).
For harmonious contours, the man can draw to remove a double chin by cryo lipolysis, to make a medical profile, to reshape a fleeting chin, to assert a too-thin jaw, to plump pinched lips ...
The beauty of the male body
It is possible to correct both constitutive defects and imperfections acquired with age.
Unlike the woman (gynoid model), the android model of man is characterized by a very early abdominal greasy deposit: this is the famous beed of the quarantine.
It is often difficult to lose it, even by taking sports.
Medical aesthetics offers simple and effective solutions to lose your belly without surgery or liposuction, such as cryolipolysis. It is a way to reshape your silhouette effortlessly, working if necessary other areas such as thighs or chest (Adipomastia sometimes combined with gynecomasty).
The added value is not only aesthetic but also psychological, by seeing an effective result and motivating the individual to continue the sport.
This is ultimately the double function of morphological and anti-aging medicine in humans: to be better physically, and to feel better psychically.
Exterior beauty and interior beauty are never far away.
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