Feb 23, 2022

weight loss program for women

 Losing weight has long raised many questions, questions and debates among women. Some choose to follow a draconian diet while others prefer to lose weight through physical activity. But what is the best technique to lose weight and avoid the yoyo effect?

weight loss program for women

Women's Sport Program

Before getting to the heart of the matter, we must forget about the miraculous slimming diets that claim that it is possible to lose 5 kg in 5 days. In addition to being dangerous to health, these techniques can only refine the body for a short time. Research has shown that the best way to lose weight is to combine proper physical exercise with a balanced diet. For a beginner, it is advisable to do a morning jog, cardio training or practices an individual sport (swimming, tennis, skiing, cycling, etc.) or collective sport (basketball, volleyball, handball, etc.) once or twice a week. The duration of the session varies from 30 to 40 minutes.

Sports program to lose weight and women's weight loss

As pointed out above, you have to be careful about what you eat. To lose weight effectively, avoid foods high in sugar and fat, such as hamburgers, fries, steaks, sugary soft drinks as well as anything else on offer in fast foods and fast food establishments. On the other hand, it is better to follow a healthy menu based on fruits and vegetables while favoring the consumption of white meats such as turkey hams or white fish.

Homemade sports exercises to lose weight and lose weight

There is a multitude of exercises to practice to promote weight loss regardless of your metabolism. Here are 5 of them:


This exercise is different from the others in that it is performed with minimal movement. The person who engages in sheathing lies facing the ground, relying uniquely on his forearms and tiptoes. The pelvis is raised while the body is straight and well stretched. The gaze, meanwhile, focuses on a point in front. A sheathing sequence lasts 30 seconds. For this exercise to be effective, it is important to do 5 to 10 repetitions. For information, sheathing allows having firm abdominals, to get rid of the saddlebags and to eliminate the love handles (the fatty deposits located on the hips and on the lower abdomen).

The burpees

Burpees is a popular aerobic exercise. It involves many muscles such as the pectorals, shoulders, triceps and quadriceps. The starting position of this exercise is standing. It is then a question of putting oneself in the pump position after flexing the legs and throwing them, well stretched, back. By pressing on both hands, it is possible to touch the ground with the chest. Then return to the starting position by executing the movement in the opposite direction. Once standing, stretch your arms above the head, then make a jump in extension. The whole movement should be carried out 5 times.

The jumping jack

This exercise is very simple. Standing, it is enough to make jumps on the spot by spreading, then closing the arms and legs. Repeating this movement 5 to 6 times gets rid of cellulite in the belly, hips and thighs. As a result, the body becomes thinner and the extra pounds fly away.

The squat

The squat is the favorite exercise of female celebrities. It is ideal for obtaining steel buttocks and thighs. In a standing position, legs apart, and arms outstretched, one should flex the legs until they form a 90° angle with the ground. Then it is necessary to exhale slowly and return to the initial position. To lose weight and have muscular buttocks, it is recommended to do 5 sets of 5 repetitions.

Walking slots

Here are the instructions to follow to carry out this exercise. In the first place, you have to stand with your back straight. Then spread the feet until they are parallel to the width of the shoulders. Take a big step forward with one of the legs. The detachment of the heel from the back leg must be synchronized with the step taken. It is also necessary that both knees form a right angle. The repetitions to be performed are 10 per leg.

Weight Loss, Bodybuilding Program

Bodybuilding is intimately linked to weight loss, as exercises intended to increase muscle mass are accompanied by a strict diet program and a cardio training program. To refine the figure and have protruding muscles, it is necessary to follow precise exercises and be assisted by a bodybuilding coach. However, the mass gain is different in women. Genetically and hormonally, they hardly gain muscle compared to men. This is explained by the fact that the testosterone level of women is lower than that of men. Their muscle and bone structures are also different from their male counterparts. Nevertheless, with rigorous training, it is quite possible for women to gain muscle. Below are some rules to respect for good progress and to avoid overtraining:

  • Warm-up for about 15 minutes before weight training (to raise the temperature, prepare the body for the exertion and to reduce the risk of injury);
  • Alternate the work of the upper body and lower body;
  • Prepare specific exercises specific to each muscle group (arms: curls, developed at the helm, extensions...);
  • Respect the rest times between each set (about 30 seconds);
  • Do not work more than 3 muscle groups per session.

Note that 2 bodybuilding sessions per week are enough for a beginner. Practising bodybuilding exercises overnight and at high intensity can have serious impacts on your body: to be banned.

Women's sports program to refine

To have a slim and athletic body here is a simple and easy sports program:


To remove fat in the thighs and calves, it is recommended to run for about 10 minutes outdoors or on a treadmill if the weather conditions do not allow you to go out. To start, you have to hold a moderate speed, then gradually increase the pace. The best is to look 50 m forward and try to throw the legs forward and not up. Shoulders and hands should be relaxed and relaxed. Research has shown that an hour of running loses 850 kilocalories.

Jumping rope

Jumping rope provides many benefits to the body. It improves balance, endurance and optimizes respiratory capacity. However, this sports activity is not recommended for people suffering from low back pain and arthritis. Before starting, you have to choose the rope well. Its length should be proportional to the size of the individual. In addition, you should not indulge in this sport with bare feet.


Swimming is a complete sport. It helps to tone and firm the arms, abdominals and legs. The reason is quite simple: the muscles are more stressed in the water because of the pressure. Moreover, swimming can be practiced by everyone: children, teenagers, adults, the elderly and pregnant women.

Women's Fitness Program to Lose Weight

Exercises to tone muscles, to soften and energize tendons and joints and to improve physical fitness are:

  • Aquagym;
  • Cycling;
  • Zumba;
  • Muscle-strengthening exercises (thighs-abs-gluts).

Weight loss training

To lose weight, it is enough to spend more calories than swallowing them. That's why it's important to train regularly. In this way, the body does not store too much fat. To eliminate excess fat in the lower body, it is advisable to perform basic exercises such as squatting. Indeed, working the muscles of the buttocks and thighs requires a lot of energy. On the other hand, to strengthen the muscles of the belly and to thin the waist, it is advisable to do isolation and cardio exercises.

What is the best diet to lose weight?

If you decide to lose weight, it is advisable to do it smartly. The drastic methods are too restrictive: very low in calories, complete exclusion of certain foods or food groups and many food prohibitions. This can therefore lead to food compulsions and a feeling of loss of control. There follows a feeling of failure and then another diet is restarted. It is the vicious circle that begins. The more we do, the more risks to physical and mental health accumulate. The miracle diet does not exist. If it existed, we would know for a long time!

Diets to be wary of

  • perfect body images
  • use of so-called "natural" and "fat-burning" products
  • no need to exercise
  • very fast weight loss (5 kilos in 2 weeks, for example)
  • guaranteed weight loss
  • approved by a pseudo-specialist
  • bogus and unreferenced clinical studies

What is the right pace of weight loss?

If you are overweight or obese, losing only 5-10% of your weight over a 6-month period significantly reduces your risk of heart disease and other health conditions. The recommended weight loss rate to stay healthy is 0.5 to 1 kg per week. Losing weight at this rate will help you maintain your weight afterwards in addition to giving you time to integrate your new lifestyle habits. Maintaining moderate weight loss over a long period of time is better than losing a lot of weight and getting it back on afterwards. Indeed, it has been shown that when they regain the lost weight, people mainly regain adipose tissue (fat mass) and do not return to their initial muscle mass. If you want to lose more than 10% of your body weight, wait until you maintain this weight loss for at least 6 months before continuing.

A loss of about 5 to 10% of one's initial weight is associated with significant improvements in blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol levels, with fewer drugs needed to treat these cardiovascular risk factors. Other benefits include improved sleep apnea, joint pain (especially knees), mobility, depression, and quality of life.

How not regain weight?

According to the National Weight Control Registry in the United States, here are the behaviours that are associated with a low weight gain:

  • Have a nutritious, protein-rich breakfast: add eggs, Greek yoghurt, cheese, tofu, nuts and seeds or their butter. Protein helps you maintain your lean mass and increases the feeling of satiety. In addition, the cost of protein digestion is highest among macronutrients (20-30% for protein, 5-6% for carbohydrates and 3% for fat). It is important to have protein at all meals and distribute it well.
  • Having a diet that includes unsaturated fats, helps to keep sex hormones up, stimulates the immune system in addition to adding taste to food.
  • Eat as little processed as possible: this decreases the calories actually absorbed in addition to requiring more energy from our body for their digestion. Eat staple foods, in their most natural state possible.
  • consume a few fast-food foods: these are high in calories, fat, saturated and trans fats, sugars, sodium, etc.
  • Drink a few sugary drinks and prefer water to hydrate: these are empty calories, without effect on satiety. In addition, the brain makes little difference between the symptoms of hunger and thirst and often people can confuse them easily.
  • Have a diet rich in fiber: whole grains, fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, legumes contribute to the feeling of satiety. Foods rich in soluble fiber are particularly interesting because they form a gel and take up more space in the stomach: psyllium, artichoke, green beans, green peas, kohlrabi, avocado, pear, bran cereals, oatmeal, all legumes as well as almonds are good sources. In addition, the carbohydrates provided by these foods will prevent the feeling of deprivation.
  • Reduce portions at meals: even if you eat quality food, you can eat too large portions. Listening to satiety signals and controlling portions is therefore very important. Learn to eat slowly, taste your food in such a way as to saturate your taste buds with different flavors. You will need smaller amounts to be full.     
  • Have good sleep habits: researchers recommend sleeping between 7 and 8 hours a night, this affects the hormones of hunger and satiety positively.
  • Limit screen time to a maximum of 10 hours per week: you move less and eat more when you're in front of a screen.
  • Develop a positive body image: see your body as it is, accept it as it is in the present moment, accept the skills and peculiarities of your body, have confidence in your body and your abilities, treat your body with kindness, enjoy your body as it is, trust your food choices, eat according to your appetite,  Accepting that one's weight varies on occasion are all signs of a positive body image.
  • Have better management of emotions/stress / and have relaxing activities not associated with food: reading, listening to music, meditating, moving are many activities demonstrated to promote soothing. Rid your home of temptations: the goal is not to eliminate them completely, but the more you have, the greater your chances of eating them in times of stress.
  • have support from our loved ones and or health professionals: a dietitian-nutritionist can help you assess your nutritional habits, give you a personalized plan and tools to get there, according to your lifestyle.
  • Weigh yourself regularly without making it an obsession: this would make it possible to act quickly if the weight has increased and thus to maintain it in the long term.
  • Keep a food diary: the effectiveness of this tool is scientifically proven. According to a study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, women who keep this type of diary have less difficulty maintaining their balance weight.

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