May 14, 2020

Adopter un chaton : les choses auxquelles penser

May 14, 2020 0 Comments

Accorder suffisamment de temps à son chat

Même si les chats ont un caractère plutôt indépendant d'une manière générale, ils ont aussi besoin d'attention, de jouer avec vous et d'une bonne dose d'amour de votre part. En l'adoptant vous vous engagez à lui donner à manger 2 fois par jour, à veiller à ce que son eau fraîche soit toujours disponible. N'oublions pas le temps moins drôle qu'il faudra consacrer à changer et nettoyer sa litière.

Il est difficile de donner une estimation de temps par jour qui devra pour bien faire être accordé à votre félin, car cela dépend en fait de chaque chat. Certains sont plus indépendants, certains ont des longs poils, ce qui demande du temps d'entretien supplémentaire.

Le lait… déconseillé pour le chat

Il est meilleur pour la santé du chat qu'il boive de l'eau… et juste de l'eau ! Le chat n'a en fait pas besoin de lait dans son régime alimentaire. Le lait peut lui causer des problèmes de surpoids et certains chats sont même intolérants au lactose !

Éduquer son chaton , est-ce possible ?
On pense souvent qu'il est presque impossible d’éduquer un chat, mais ce n'est en fait pas le cas du tout ! Vous pouvez apprendre plein de choses à votre chaton et cela est même recommandé ! Le chaton apprend déjà bien vite beaucoup de choses de lui même, mais il aura besoin aussi de se familiariser avec beaucoup de situations qui peuvent lui paraître stressantes, comme entrer dans sa boite de transport pour aller chez le vétérinaire, la voiture, les feux d'artifices, les autres animaux etc

Si vous aidez votre chat à se familiariser avec tout cela, il sera moins stressé, plus sociable et mieux dans ses pattes.

Vous devrez sûrement lui apprendre également certaines règles de la maison, comme ne pas manger les plantes, à faire ses besoins dans la litière, à ne pas faire ses griffes sur le canapé ou sur les meubles… faire l’éducation d'un chaton ne sera pas toujours de tout repos !

Un chat c'est aussi un budget à prévoir

Vous devrez assurez les dépenses reliées à votre félin préféré ! Le coût des croquettes de qualité, de diverses fournitures (arbre à chat, jouets …) et ses soins médicaux.

N'adoptez pas un chaton avant qu'il ait au moins 8 semaines !

Tout est dit, qu'importe l'endroit où vous adoptez un chaton, gardez en tête qu'il est obligatoire qu'il soit âgé d'au moins 8 semaines avant de rejoindre votre foyer car avant ses 8 semaines, c'est auprès de sa mère qu'il doit rester car il en a besoin !

les erreurs à ne pas commettre .; Le repas du chat

May 14, 2020 0 Comments
Une distance entre le bol d'eau et le bol de nourriture du chat...

D'instinct primitif, le chat ne mange pas une proie à l'endroit où il s'abreuve. Il sera donc préférable que vous gardiez une certaine distance entre le bol d'eau de votre chat et son bol de nourriture.
Le chat étant propre, il appréciera ainsi de ne pas salir son eau !

Une distance et entre le bol de nourriture et sa litière

Le chat n'aimera pas manger près de son bac à litière , tout comme nous n'aimerions pas manger dans nos toilettes !

Le bol du chat dans un endroit calme et tranquille

Un chat mangera mieux et plus tranquillement lorsqu'il sait qu'aucun autre animal ne va pas tenter de lui chiper sa nourriture. Si vous avez plusieurs chats, ce sera un bol pour chacun d'eux afin d'éviter les disputes !

Le repas du chat à une heure régulière

Bien que cela dépende du chat, pour la majorité d'entre-eux il est préférable de manger à une heure fixe. Cela va permettre d'éviter aussi des problèmes de surpoids, car si le chat a un bol de croquette rempli tout au long de la journée, il sera plus tenté de grignoter à toute heure lorsqu'il s'ennuie.

Un bol suffisamment grand pour cause de … moustaches !

Assurez-vous que le bol de votre chat est suffisamment grand pour que ses moustaches ne touchent pas le rebord, les chats ont les moustaches sensibles et peuvent perdre leur appétit ou leur envie de boire si leurs moustaches touches constamment le rebord de leur bol d'eau ou de nourriture !

La nourriture trop chaude ou trop froide n'est pas pour le chat

Le chat mange froid ou tiède, mais pas glacé ni trop chaud car il se brûlerait !

Si vous donnez à votre chat de la nourriture maison, attendez toujours bien qu'elle soit tiède avant de la mettre dans le bol de votre matou !

Le chat doit avoir ses propres croquettes

Si vous avez des croquettes pour chien à la maison, ne les donnez pas à votre chat, ça pourrait le rendre malade. Le chien et le chat ont des besoins alimentaires différents donc , chacun ses croquettes !
Cela vaut également pour la nourriture humaine, il est mieux d'éviter de la donner au chat afin d'éviter que cela ne le rende malade.

May 10, 2020

How To Fix Error 0x80240034 in Windows 10

May 10, 2020 1 Comments

The 0x80240034 error with Windows 10 is caused by Windows Update being unable to download the various files it requires to perform the updates that Windows requires.

The error is specifically known as the "WU_E_DOWNLOAD_FAILED" error, basically meaning that the system didn't download the correct "Windows Update" files.

The resulting issue means that your system is unable to manage the updates that are required to run, leading the system to exhibit erroneous behaviour.

To fix the problem, you essentially need to resolve any of the core issues preventing Windows Update from downloading the appropriate files - this comes in the form of having the ability to fix the likes of the Windows Update service, as well as being able to repair any of the underlying software applications integrating with Windows.

The message for the error will generally show as follows:

Failed to install - 0x80240034

The causes of the error will typically be:

Internet connection issues
Microsoft Update server errors / problems
Error with the update payload itself
Another miscellaneous error with the update (perhaps virus / third party software issue)

The way to solve the error is to ensure that the various files Windows Update requires to operate are working correctly. This can be done using the following steps:

1. Run Windows Update Troubleshooter

The first step is to run the Windows Update troubleshooter.

This is a tool bundled with Windows 10 (and I believe Windows 7) which allows you to clean up any of the issues that Windows may have with its underlying "update" processes.

To do this, you can use the following steps:

Press "Windows" + "I" keys on your keyboard (loads up "settings")
Click onto "Update & Security"
On the left panel, select "Troubleshoot"
From the list that appears, select "Windows Update"
Click on "Run this troubleshooter"
Let the process run
After completion, restart your PC

This probably won't fix the error, but should resolve the majority of issues that form with the update service.

2. Run SFC + DISM

After doing the above, you need to run the SFC + DISM commands.

These are small command-line based applications inside the Windows system, designed to provide users with the ability to clean up the majority of problems which form with Windows.

You can do this using the steps outlined here:

Press "Windows" + "S" keys on your keyboard
Type "CMD"
On the first listing which shows, right-click and select "Run as Administrator"
In the black box that appears, type the following commands:
"SFC /scannow" + press "Enter"
"DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth" + press "Enter"

This will run a series of "scans" which will basically ensure that your system is able to run the various files / settings which it requires properly.

Whilst this probably won't fix the problem (although it should for ~ 40% of cases), it should resolve a large number of underlying issues which may be leading it to show.

3. Manually Restart Windows Update Service

Next, you'll need to manually restart the Windows Update service.

This is a bit tricky, but should be the largest contributor to a solution.

Basically, the way Windows Update works is with what's known as a "service".

This ia an application which runs perpetually in the background of your system and allows a number of other processes to utilize it at will.

The Windows Update service is responsible for continually downloading, resuming and updating the various elements required to perform updates in Windows.

Unfortunately, it is often the case that the system will end up having problems with the service, which can be resolved by manually restarting it:

Press "Windows" + "S" keys on your keyboard
Type "CMD" and on the first item which appears, right-click and select "Run As Administrator"
Into the black box which appears, type the following commands:
'net stop wuauserv' + 'Enter'
'net stop cryptSvc' + 'Enter'
'net stop bits' + 'Enter'
'net stop msiserver' + 'Enter'
'Ren C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.old' + 'Enter'

After doing this, you will need to start the various services again.This can be done using the following steps (again in the same CMD panel):

'net start wuauserv' + 'Enter'
'net start cryptSvc' + 'Enter'
'net start bits' + 'Enter'
'net start msiserver' + 'Enter'

This should be followed by running the Windows Update "Check for updates" command again.

4. Temporarily Disable Firewall / Antivirus

Finally, one of the more common causes of the problem is a "false flag" from the likes of your antivirus or firewall application.

This happens because your system basically thinks that (for some reason) the Windows Update service is causing irregular (potentially harmful) Internet connectivity, and thus will block it.

To solve this, you can use the following steps:

If you're using a THIRD PARTY antivirus
Right-click on the security software's icon in the bottom-right of your Windows taskbar
Select the equivalent of "pause" (it may be "Gaming mode" / "Temporarily Stop" etc)
Select "10 Minutes" or the equivalent
Try running Windows Update again
If WU doesn't work at this point, try step 3 again with your antivirus temporarily disabled
Restart your system after this attempt

If you're using Windows Defender (default antivirus)
Press "Windows" + "I" keys on your keyboard
Select "Update & Security"
From the left menu, select "Windows Security"
Select "Virus & threat protection" and then "Virus & threat protection settings"
Switch "Real-time protection" to "Off"
Try updating the system, and if it doesn't work - try running step 3 again
After this, re-enable the Windows Defender service, restart your PC


If the above does not work, you'll probably have deeper issues with your system. Obviously, a generic Internet article isn't going to solve that.

To fix this, you'll be better talking to someone with specific / hands-on experience with your system. This can be achieved by either going to an online community (SuperUser etc), or by talking to someone who'll professionally fix the system. Fiverr has turned into a decent source of this type of service. In any case, the problem should be relatively simple to resolve - the difference lies in trying to identify the core issue leading it to show.

May 9, 2020

comment Protégez votre ordinateur dès maintenant ?

May 09, 2020 0 Comments

avec Total AV

le logiciel utilise un algorithme avancé pour augmenter instantanément le niveau de sécurité tout en permettant d’accélérer votre système. Il identifie dans un premier temps toutes les menaces cachées ou les cookies de suivi en ligne. Il localise ensuite les doublons de fichiers et la mémoire cache, qui ralentissent votre PC.

Le logiciel peut être utilisé en tant qu’alternative à votre antivirus ou protection supplémentaire que l’on estime plus avancée que tout produit antivirus sur le marché. Tout le monde peut l’utiliser, et l’installation prend seulement quelques minutes.

Comment obtenir ce scan gratuit ?

Si vous possédez un ordinateur Windows, un scan de sécurité gratuit vous est offert. L’offre de scan gratuit Total AV est encore valable, nous conseillons aux utilisateurs de le réclamer tant qu’il est encore disponible.

L’offre gratuite Total AV vous permettra d’obtenir une version du logiciel qui surveillera votre PC à la recherche de menaces nuisibles, de logiciels indésirables ou de cookies de suivi potentiellement dangereux. Si le logiciel localise des menaces, vous pouvez les supprimer manuellement de votre système ou passer au plan de protection premium pour que le logiciel les supprime automatiquement.

Pour maintenir une performance optimale et protéger votre ordinateur, programmez l’analyse de façon à ce qu’elle s’exécute tous les 7 jours. L’analyse complète de votre système prend environ 10 minutes.

Une fois le logiciel téléchargé, vous pouvez obtenir des licences gratuites pour tous vos appareils, dont votre PC du bureau ou du domicile, votre Smartphone et même votre tablette. Il n’est pas surprenant que des milliers de personnes possédant un ordinateur profitent de ce système de sécurité approuvé pour se protéger et protéger leurs appareils.

May 8, 2020

What's the best MacBook?

May 08, 2020 0 Comments
What's the best MacBook?
Which MacBook to choose and for what needs? The MacBook Air or the MacBook Pro?

MacBook Air 2020
Apple MacBook Air (2020)
From $999

The MacBook Air 2020, available in 2 models, features a 13.3-inch Retina display with IPS and TrueTone technologies. Like the 16-inch MacBook Pro, Apple has added the Magic Keyboard with an ultra-responsive and discreet scissor mechanism.  

For both versions, Apple has upgraded to the 10th generation Intel Core i3 dual-core 1.1 GHz processor. The basic model is €1,199 and the more advanced one with a quad-core Core i5 is €1,499. 

In addition to incorporating an Intel UHD 617 graphics chip, it has been complemented by the Intel Iris Plus, offering 80% faster graphics performance than its predecessor.

Its storage capacity is no longer 128 GB but 256 GB or 512 GB, configurable with a 2 TB SSD for an additional €750. As for its memory, it is 8 GB LPDDR4X at 3733MHz.

This new MacBook Air is operational for any use. Whether you're watching movies, surfing the web, playing games, or editing videos, you might be amazed at how fast it is.

MacBook Pro
Apple MacBook Pro 13 (2019)
$1,299, $1,499, $1,799, $1,999

The MacBook Pro range is available in 2 different screen sizes (13 and 16 inches) but all models are now equipped with a touch bar, replacing the function keys, a True Tone display, a T2 chip and a Magic Keyboard.

For a 13-inch MacBook Pro with an 8th-generation quad-core 1.4GHz processor and 256GB of storage, you'll pay €1,499 for a 13-inch MacBook Pro, and €1,749 for 512GB.

For a 16GB RAM, 2GHz processor, 10th generation chip, you'll pay €2,129. If you want a combination of 1 TB storage, 16 GB RAM, then it will cost you €2,379.

The 16-inch model with 512 GB costs €2,699 and the one with a 1 TB SSD costs €3,199.

If the basic configurations are not enough for you, you can change them and opt, for example, for a 1.4 GHz processor, 16 GB memory and a 2 TB SSD for an additional €1,250. On the 16-inch, it's even possible to expand the storage space to 8 TB for an additional €2,880.

Another difference between 16 and 13 is that the former has 4 Thunderbolt ports and the latter has two of these ports.

The MacBook Pro is perfect for photo editing, and if you work on complex video editing on a daily basis then we suggest the 16-inch MacBook Pro.

If you need large storage capacity and a computer that's fast, then the 16-inch MacBook Pro is for you, too.

The best MacBook for gamers and creative people

If you are a gamer or a creative person (designer, webdesigner, photographer, videographer...) and are looking for a portable work/leisure tool with a MacOS environment, then without hesitation, we recommend the 16-inch MacBook Pro.

You will be given the choice between a Radeon Pro 5300M or 5500M, which is ideal for image and video processing. Online gaming enthusiasts will appreciate its 4GB GDDR6 memory, expandable to 8GB.

May 3, 2020

Top 10 foods richest in vitamin D

May 03, 2020 0 Comments
Top 10 foods richest in vitamin D

Vitamin D plays a major role in bone growth and mineralization. But according to Belgian doctors, it also helps to fight the coronavirus by supporting the proper functioning of our immune system. While the major source of vitamin D is still exposure to light, during periods of confinement it is better to eat foods rich in vitamin D. We'll tell you which ones.

The main function of vitamin D is to promote the absorption of calcium and phosphorus by the intestine and thus, indirectly, to participate in the optimal mineralization of bones, cartilage and teeth. But according to two professors from the University of Liège (Belgium) quoted by the RTBF, vitamin D is also a means of protecting against coronavirus because it helps our immune system to fight respiratory infections.

The researchers refer to a meta-analysis published a few years ago in the British medical Journal, which showed that vitamin D supplementation had a protective effect against acute respiratory tract infections, particularly in people who were severely deficient in this vitamin.

Our bodies are known to be able to synthesise vitamin D themselves if they are sufficiently exposed to the sun: under the action of UVB radiation, they convert a cholesterol derivative into vitamin D. But in this period of confinement, only those who have a garden or a well-oriented balcony can benefit from daily exposure to the sun. That's why it's important to rely on dietary sources of vitamin D.

Coronavirus: Remdesivir authorized "urgently" in the United States

May 03, 2020 0 Comments

This is (perhaps) a first step towards a treatment against the Covid-19 coronavirus. This Friday, May 1, 2020, the US Drug Agency (FDA) gave its "emergency" green light for the use of remdesivir in the fight against the coronavirus Sars-Cov-2.

Remdesivir is also being tested as part of the European Discovery clinical trial.

Coronavirus: Remdesivir authorized "urgently" in the United States

What exactly is remdesivir? This antiviral drug developed in 2015 by Gilead Laboratories (and named GS-5734 in medical language) has already proven its effectiveness against two viruses of the Coronaviridae family: MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV-1. Remesivir works by directly "bypassing" the structure of the virus and preventing it from replicating in the body - it is called a "nucleotide analogue".

This Wednesday, April 29, 2020, at the end of a large clinical trial conducted since February 2020 on 1063 patients in the United States, Europe and Asia, the American Institutes of Health (NIH) announced that "remdesivir has a clear, significant and positive effect in reducing the recovery time" of patients suffering from Covid-19.

In detail, US researchers found that patients' recovery time was shortened by an average of 31% (or about 4 days) when treated with remdesivir. The mortality rate was about 3% lower.

However, the drug is controversial: indeed, a study conducted in Wuhan (China) and published in the medical journal The Lancet has found no effectiveness in reducing the risk of cancer....

Remdesivir: what now? FDA approval allows remdesivir to be used by hospitals for serious Covid-19 patients who need oxygen, for example under artificial respiration.

Gilead Laboratories has already announced the distribution of 1.5 million doses of the drug: these will be sent as a priority to hospitals in the cities most affected by the epidemic in the United States. Remdesivir will be administered intravenously to patients for 5 days.

The United States is paying a heavy price for the coronavirus epidemic currently raging around the world: this Friday, 1800 deaths in the space of 24 hours have been recorded and 65,000 Americans have already died from Covid-19 disease.

May 2, 2020


May 02, 2020 0 Comments
Los dueños de los gatos serían más inteligentes

Nuevas investigaciones sugieren que los dueños de los gatos son más inteligentes que los de los perros. También serían más sensibles, introvertidos y a veces incluso rebeldes.

¡Pero los amantes de los perros pueden estar seguros! ¡Tienes otras cualidades que no deben ser subestimadas!

La Dra. Denise Guastello, profesora de psicología en la Universidad de Carroll, ha realizado un estudio científico sobre las diferencias de personalidad entre los amantes de los perros y los amantes de los gatos domésticos. Estudió los rasgos de carácter y la personalidad de 600 estudiantes dueños de mascotas.

Su investigación reveló que "la gente con perros" y "la gente con gatos" realmente no tienen los mismos rasgos.


Los dueños de los gatos son más inteligentes y sensibles que los que prefieren los perros. Más abiertos e independientes, los amantes de los felinos tienen un espíritu aventurero. ¡Es más probable que rompan las reglas!

"Si eres más introvertido y sensible, probablemente querrás quedarte en casa y leer más, y un gato no necesita que lo saquen a pasear", dice.

"Tiene sentido que una persona que tenga un perro será más aguda y más extrovertida. Se ve obligado a salir y tiende a hablar con otros dueños de perros. Pero cuidado, en tres clínicas veterinarias de Ámsterdam, los médicos han comparado el peso de los animales con el de sus dueños. Hay una relación entre los perros con sobrepeso y el índice de masa corporal de los dueños. La causa de ambas: la falta de ejercicio y el exceso de comida. Esta comparación y la falta de ejercicio no perjudica a los gatos, que pueden pasar el día cerca del radiador. ¡Se recomienda que tanto los humanos como los perros practiquen diariamente ejercicios de resistencia!

Coronavirus: do not wash your pet with hydroalcoholic gel!

May 02, 2020 0 Comments

In this time of epidemic, be careful not to do anything with your pet Neither hydroalcoholic gel, bleach, nor disinfecting wipes.
Coronavirus: do not wash your pet with hydroalcoholic gel!

Veterinary clinics find themselves dealing with emergencies, burns and ethylic comas (...) Stop, we stop the delirium: no bleach, corrosive products, antibacterial wipes to disinfect sinks (...) in dogs and cats. (...) Our shower gels and shampoos are also not suitable for our pets."

Indeed: on the one hand, bleach (and other disinfecting substances: household products, wipes...) can cause severe burns of the pads when applied to the paws, but also of the tongue and mucous membranes because the animal will necessarily lick itself. On the other hand, while hydroalcoholic gel works well for humans, it can cause severe alcohol comas in animals that lick their fur and thus ingest large quantities of alcohol.

Coronavirus: how to clean your pet? "It is curious to think about disinfecting your pet with detergents or hydroalcoholic gel when you know that soapy water or pet shampoo works very, very well" 

The health agency Anses and the Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) consider "unlikely" the transmission of coronavirus to humans via pets. As a precautionary measure, however, it is recommended to avoid close contact (e.g. not letting the cat/dog lick our hands or face), to wash our hands very frequently (e.g. after playing or cuddling) and to stay away from unfamiliar pets.

Bleach: 3 tips on how to use it safely

May 02, 2020 0 Comments

Bleach: 3 tips on how to use it safely

Bleach is a disinfectant molecule that cannot be used pure: it is necessary to dilute the product in water before using it on floors and domestic surfaces: worktops, tables... But beware, as effective against coronavirus, bleach (which is bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal) can be dangerous if it is misused. Here are the advices to respect for a safe use:

Dilution (for bleach with 2.6% active chlorine, it says so on the label) follows a 1:4 rule: in a 1 L pail of water, 250 mL of bleach will be diluted. And a 1 L bottle of bleach will make 4 L of disinfectant.

When used in the home, bleach must be protected with special precautions: wear gloves and (if possible) goggles, remember to air the room well, and remember to rinse the cleaned surfaces well, especially if they come into contact with food - for example, when cleaning the fridge or worktop.

Caution: Bleach can only be used alone - do not mix with potentially disastrous health consequences!

The worst idea? Mixing bleach + white vinegar results in toxic fumes that are harmful to the lungs.

In case of toxic fumes (e.g. after mixing bleach + vinegar), ventilate the room, move away, rest, and call the nearest Poison Control Centre.
If bleach is swallowed, call the nearest Poison Control Centre: do not make the person vomit!
If bleach gets in your eyes or on your skin, wash with plenty of clean water for 10 minutes - no less. Watch and consult a doctor immediately if the burning sensation persists.
One last piece of advice? Keep your bleach bottle out of the reach of children and remember to label the bottle correctly so as not to confuse them!

May 1, 2020

5 Tipps zum Überleben von Pollen bei heißem Wetter

May 01, 2020 0 Comments

Hier sind fünf Tipps, die Ihnen das Leben erleichtern sollen, ohne aus der Sonne zu gehen.

5 Tipps zum Überleben von Pollen bei heißem Wetter

1. Tragen Sie einen Hut und eine Sonnenbrille 
Eine Brille ist unerlässlich, um die Augen vor der Sonne zu schützen... aber auch vor Allergenen. Was den Hut betrifft, so hilft er, die Aggressivität der Pollen zu begrenzen.

2. Intelligent baden 
Nasse Haare fangen Pollen ein und können daher allergische Symptome verschlimmern.

Am besten schwimmt man früh morgens oder vor dem Schlafengehen, um die Vorteile des Süßwassers optimal zu nutzen.

 3. abends duschen
Nach einem langen Tag im Freien hat das Haar so viel Pollen wie möglich aufgenommen. Eine abendliche Dusche ist eine gute Möglichkeit, sie leicht loszuwerden, um eine Verunreinigung des Kissens zu vermeiden.

4. Aufrechterhaltung der Klimaanlage 
Klimaanlagen sind eine ausgezeichnete Möglichkeit für Pollenallergiker zu leben und zu arbeiten. Sie müssen ordnungsgemäß gewartet werden, um eine Kontamination durch allergene Bakterien oder Schimmelpilze zu vermeiden. Vorsicht, eine zu kalte Temperatur verschlimmert die allergische Rhinitis, auch wenn keine Pollen vorhanden sind.

 5. vermeiden Sie das Trocknen der Kleidung im Freien. 
Obwohl das Wetter ideal zum Trocknen von Kleidung in der Sonne ist, nimmt nasse Kleidung leicht Pollen aus der Luft auf. Das Trocknen in einem geschlossenen Raum ist daher sinnvoller, wenn Sie Allergien vermeiden wollen.

Weltweit sind etwa 400 bis 500 Millionen Menschen von allergischer Rhinitis betroffen, 40% davon sind Kinder. In Frankreich gibt mehr als jede dritte Person an, an einer Allergie zu leiden! Umso mehr Grund, Vorsichtsmaßnahmen zu treffen, bevor man die Sonne genießt.